Teeth Whitening

blanqueamiento dental internacional


¿What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a revolutionary cosmetic dental treatment that succeeds in reducing the original color of teeth, leaving teeth whiter and brighter.

People are much more interested in having the teeth beautiful and many consider it a necessity to succeed in both professional and social life. White teeth give a more clean, healthy and youthful look.

Tooth whitening can be done in practice (external and internal) or outpatient (home).

The teeth whitening can remove most stains, but not all the stains are removable or upgradeable through the dental bleaching and may require other types of cosmetic dental treatments such as using veneers or crowns.

Usage: The use of a gel acts chemically through the oxygen they contain and they can reduce various shades of the same tooth color.

This treatment can be repeated at high concentrations maintenance mode after 6 months to 1 year depending on the severity of the stains or discolorations that the patient has. In general, although it depends on the status of each patient’s teeth is important and necessary to perform a professional dental cleaning (ultrasonic and professional brushing) completed prior to the completion of tooth whitening.

The whitening treatment has no effect on any restorations (fillings, restorations, resin or white fillings), inlays and crowns or bridges. To perform the replacement of these restorations have to wait 15 days or so for the color obtained with the whitening stabilize.

Teléfonos Citas y Urgencias

914131480 (citas)

671162354 (WhatsApp)

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Dental Internacional
C/ Vinaroz, 13-18. Madrid

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