Oral Surgery

cirugia oral dental internacional


What is an oral surgery?

Oral surgery is the branch of dentistry dealing with surgical pathologies of mouth and jaws such as teeth or molar tooth, frenum or mucous problems.


What is a periodontal surgery?

Sometimes the periodontist can not get to remove all bacterial irritants by scaling and root planing, either because the pockets are too deep or there are other difficulties of access.

When it hasn’t been possible to reduce the inflammation of the gums, the specialist will consider if it is necessary to carry out a periodontal surgery in order to access the entire root surface to be cleaned thoroughly and create health conditions and form of the gum and bone to facilitate the maintenance of the health situation in the future.

Most common oral surgeries:

Dental Extractions: Las causas de extracción de los dientes pueden de ser múltiples, tales como caries, enfermedad periodontal avanzada, fractura dental, etc.

Wisdom teeth: It is relatively common that wisdom teeth are included. Although not all people have them, those that do form the wisdom teeth may erupt and take part in the arcade as a third molar, or may be included in the bone. When the wisdom tooth is included, sometimes can cause infections and pain or anterior tooth caries due to food packaging. In these situations the extraction is needed and if the molar is included in the bone, it will require a surgery.


Canines: The included canines affect from 0.9 to 2.2% of the population, being behind the third molars the ones that have an increased frequency of inclusion. More often included in the upper jaw and that they doesn’t erupt; in these cases patients must go to a specialist for surgical removal in order to carry out an exposure of the canine so your orthodontist can place a bracket to pull the canine and take it to its position.

Gingivectomy or crown lengthening: gingival margins during orthodontics or to remodel the tooth shape) or prosthetic (lack of healthy surface on which are supported prostheses.

Clinical crown reduced

Mucogingival Surgery (Grafting): Gingival recession is a frequent find that doesn’t allow the pacient to maintain good plaque control in these areas; this can lead to sensitivity or even decay placing or not soft tissue grafts or tissue flaps adjacent to the area of recession.

Apicoectomy: surgical technique in which after finishing a root canal, teeth continue to pain and the infection subsides. In these cases, it is necessary to reach the apex of the tooth to clean the infection, cut the last portion of the root and the root is sealed with a suitable material.


Frenectomies: The presence of a prominent frenulum can prevent a proper closing of the gap between these teeth if it is located between the upper teeth. Or it may make it impossible to settle a prosthesis that our patient could bear. The presence of a short tongue frenulum can prevent proper mobility of the tongue. In either case, it would be required a frenectomy in which we surgically remove the frenulum.

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Dental Internacional
C/ Vinaroz, 13-18. Madrid

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