Dental Crowns and Veneers

Fundas-dentales dental internacional



Crowns or caps are made of porcelain, as its name implies, a full covering of the tooth that simulates all the coronary anatomy. types:

  • Metal-ceramic crown: They are made of porcelain fused to metal. They are stronger than those of pure ceramic and more aesthetic than metal. However, their metallic structures give a grade of opacity to the crowns of porcelain fused to metal and they lack the reflective quality of natural teeth, so they are not as discret. Over time, it is possible to see a strip of metal along the gum line.
  • Zirconium Crowns: The big difference is that instead of base metal is a tough ceramic composite based on zirconium. To manufacture it is used CAD-CAM technology (design and computer aided machining). You get a very good fit and the great advantage is that it is white and not gray like metal, so they are more aesthetic, but are more expensive than metal-ceramic.



These are thin sheets of porcelain or composite, 0.3 to 1 mm thick approximately. They are placed over the entire surface or anterior teeth.
Those of porcelain are bound tightly to the tooth using a special adhesive. The bond is so strong that after placing them, they can not be removed unless they break.

They are placed to mask the color anomalities of the teeth (which can’t be treated by conventional bleaching), to mask changes of size, shape, tooth position, giving the tooth a more ideal look.

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Dental Internacional
C/ Vinaroz, 13-18. Madrid

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