Technological advantages


We have the latest technological advances to offer to our patients. At present, the advancement of new technologies within the oral field has led to some specialists, including Drs. Perea & Escudero to be pioneers in the use and management of this new appliance.

  • Intraoral X-ray system: To detect caries between the teeth, maladjustments of cases or bridges, leakage of caries below fillings, defects of the bone that holds the tooth,….
  • Digital Panoramic Radiography
  • TAC and 3D scanner: First, we can talk about the Scanner in three dimensions (3D), through this test, we can diagnose different types of pathologies that with 2D was more complicated or imposible. In 10 seconds and with little radiation, we can make a more detailed and accurate diagnosis. With the scanner we can locate where are the different anatomical locations, bone thicknesses, dental angulation, … that would facilitate the correct diagnosis, and therefore, a better treatment, without the need that the patient has to move to an external center to perform certain tests. In this way the patient receives a faster and more comfortable service.


    Carestream CS-8100 3D Scanner. The 2nd generation of 3D for dental clinics Advantages-3-TAC-and-scanner-3d-2

    *TAC Prices (3D scanner): 100 Euros 2 arch / 80 Euros 1 arch

  • Digital photography and 3D diagnostics. With the intraoral scanner, 2D and 3D digital prints can be made in precise and authentic colors; to make models cast for dental implants or teeth, for orthodontic treatments, prostheses, models of study.
  • Dental chair equipped with the latest technology in dental instruments.
  • TV screens to explain patient treatments.
  • Laser whitening lamp: We have the lamp to make a consultation in whitening where you can see the results from the first moment.
  • Latest technologies in sterilization: we have a complete sterilization instruments to keep the dental clinic in the best health conditions.

International Dental Center offers also interesting:


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    C/ Vinaroz, 13-18. Madrid

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