What makes us different



Painless treatment. controlled sedation

30Using techniques based on analgesia, we achieve the decrease the pain sensation of pain. By monitoring the patient during treatment.
Sedation is used as an adjunct technique to facilitate other treatments trying to keep the patient free of anxiety, cooperative and painless.
gafas virtuales dentista

Our priority: Keep your teeth

Based on scientific evidence from studies in the decades of 70 and 80, our priority is to maintain the patient’s own teeth in the oral cavity in a proper state of health.


Minimally Invasive Surgery

dr-miguel-angel-pereaDue to advances in technology, we have reduced the morbidity of our treatments by minimally invasive surgery. This allows us to individualized computer planning of each case, using various computer softwares systems, and thus get to perform surgical incision without any increase patient comfort.


Engaged in teaching

The International Dental Center is committed to continuing education. The professionals who work in our center are engaged in university teaching and lecturing and national and international courses on their specialty by training dentists, hygienists and assistants.
Professional´s Courses
The International Dental Center has a training and education department addressed to general dentists, hygienists and medical assistants. These theoretical and practical customized courses are focus on periodontics and implants.


High-level scientific training

All components of our team are trained in Graduate internationally renowned and supported by the European Union. These graduate, possess a high scientific and clinical, with a duration of 3 years and total exclusivity in their specialty.


Treatments based on scientific and clinical evidence

Our treatments are based on scientific studies that have proven to be successfull in the long term. International Dental Center has all their cases documented to have a long-term monitoring of our patients, and can demonstrate a long-term success.


Maximum confidence

The formation of each member of the International Dental Center team makes treatments seek excellence. After an exhaustive information that we give to our patients, together, we arrive to the best individualized treatment for each condition.

Teléfonos Citas y Urgencias

914131480 (citas)

671162354 (WhatsApp)

Llámenos para consultarnos su caso, para concertar una cita o resolver una urgencia. Estaremos encantados de atenderle.
Dental Internacional
C/ Vinaroz, 13-18. Madrid

Formulario Citas o más información






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