Odontologie pédiatrique
Pour la dentisterie pédiatrique est connu pour la branche de la dentisterie chargée de traiter avec les enfants. Les tâches les plus courantes sont le dentiste afin de détecter d’éventuelles anomalies dans la position des mâchoires ou des dents à envoyer à l’orthodontiste, un spécialiste en orthodontie, et le traitement de restauration ne si nécessaire.
La principale différence entre la dentisterie conventionnelle et dentisterie pédiatrique est la présence de dents primaires ou de lait chez les enfants qui nécessitent un traitement différent.
CALENDRIER Éruption dentaire
Développement des dents de lait
Incisive centrale supérieure | 8-12 mois | 6-7 ans |
Incisive latérale supérieure | 9-13 mois | 7-8 ans |
canine supérieure | 16-22 mois | 10-12 ans |
Première molaire | 13-19 mois | 9-11 ans |
Deuxième molaire | 25-33 mois | 10-12 ans |
Incisive centrale inférieure | 6-10 mois | 6-7 ans |
Incisive latérale inférieure | 10-16 mois | 7-8 ans |
canine supérieure inférieure | 17-23 mois | 9-12 ans |
Première molaire inférieure | 10-16 mois | 7-8 ans |
Deuxième molaire inférieure | 23-31 mois | 10-12 ans |
Développement des dents définitives:
Incisive centrale supérieure | 7-8 ans |
Latéral incisive centrale | 8-9 ans |
Canine supérieure | 10-12 ans |
Première prémolaire | 10-11 ans |
Deuxième prémolaire | 10-12 ans |
Première molaire | 6-7 ans |
Deuxième molaire | 12-13 ans |
Troisième molaire | 17-21 ans |
Incisive centrale inférieure | 6-7 ans |
Incisive latérale inférieure | 7-8 ans |
Canine supérieur inférieur | 9-10 ans |
Première molaire | 6-7 ans |
Deuxième molaire inférieure | 11-13 ans |
Troisième molaire inférieure | 17-21 ans |
Lorsqu’on parle des dents de lait, on ne peut pas oublier la relation entre l’apex de la dent et le germe de la dent permanente qui est en train de se former. Ils peuvent provoquer des malformations, des troubles de l’éruption et l’impact d’aliments dans les dents adjacentes causant la carie dentaire ou des poches parodontales, et sont souvent accompagnés de blessures des tissus mous, des lèvres et du frein lingual, ce qui peut provoquer des saignements abondants.
Instructions pour le patient ou les parents: Une bonne cicatrisation après une blessure aux dents et aux tissus oraux dépend, en grande partie d’une bonne hygiène buccodentaire. Il est important que les parents comprennent l’importance d’une bonne hygiène pour le bon pronostic de la dent traumatisée.
Usually they are accompanied by soft tissue injuries like in lips and in the frenulum so it can lead to a hevay bleeding.
Instructions for the pacient or the parents: A correct oral hygiene is recommended for a proper healing and it is important that the kid and the parents understand the importance. In order to prevent the accumulation of plaque it is recommended to brush the teeth with a soft brush after each meal and rinse with chlorhexidine 0,1% twice a day for two weeks.
Tooth decay is a disease caused by oral bacteria, often due to poor oral hygiene and bad alimentary habits. It is influenced by factors such as saliva, maloclussion or abnormal tooth formation. If left untreated, decay can affect the formation of tooth permanent germs so that’s why it is important to prevent or treat them.
Dental sealant is a coating applied to seal pits and fissures of teeth susceptible to develop caries, acting as a physical barrier to decay. The use of dental sealants is a prevetive measure for decay.
Fluorids are organic and inorganic components containing fluor and that are present everywhere (earth, air, water, plants, animals).
Toothpastes for adults normally contain fluorids in concentrations of 1000 to 1500 ppm and in children’s toothpastes from 250 to 500 ppm. Mouthwashes marketed for daily home use contain between 230 and 500 ppm of fluor and those for weekly or biweekly use nomally contains 900 ppm of fluor.
¿What are the benefitial effects of fluoride for teeth?
The objectives of fluorides is to provide a maximum level of prevention of caries and a minimal level of dental fluorosis. It exists a vast variety of fluoride products: water, toothpaste, oral solutions, dental gels and enamels, salt, milk and other supplemets.
The principal aim of pulp treatment in temporal teeth is to mantain the health of the oral tissues. Even if it is desirable to mantain the vitality of the pulp of the teeth affected by decay or trauma, a tooth may remain functional by removing the pulp partially or completly.
Vital pulp treatment in temporal teeth with normal pulp or reversible pulpitis:
- Indirect Pulp Capping: It is done when teeth are damaged with deep carious lessions close to the pulp but with no signs or symptoms of pulp affection. After the removal of the damaged dentin, a layer of a biocompatible material it’s applied over the desmineralised dentin layer still uninfected in order to avoid a pulp exposure and remineralise the injury through the formation of a reparative dentin.
- Direct Pulp Capping: Application of a material (calcium hydroxide) directly on the normal pulp of a permanent tooth when the pulp has been accidentally exposed during the filling or in cases of miminal traumatic exposures.
- Pulpotomy: In temporal teeth with pulp exposure (deep decay or trauma), the coronal pulp affected is removed while the radicular remnant tissue is mantianed vital. It is done to relieve pain, sensivity, swelling and the presence of root resorption.
No vital pulpar treatment in temporal teeth with irreversible pulpitis or pulp death:
- Pulpotomy: referred to teeth with chronic inflamation or death of the radicular pulp evidence sinde the root must mantain at least 2/3 of the normal lenght.
Consists in cleaning necrotic root canals and introducing in them filling materials with the capacity to induce an apical closure. In permanent inmature teeth with irreverisble pulp lessions that leads to loss of vitality. (Usually consists of a necrosis of the superior incisors caused by the trauma).
They are done in order to extract a temporal tooth with caries linked to an infectious process or to a ortodoncic reason. The dental extraction must be specified by an specialist.
An orthodontic appliance that maintains the space left by the premature loss of one or more teeth that will be filled by a tooth not yet erupted. Serves to maintain the space until the eruption of permanent, not to interfere with the development or eruption of the successor, or interfere with the development of the bony bases and preventing the extrusion of the antagonist. It also prevents the development of habits.
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